Sad to say we lost this old man recently.. Bob, one of our 12 year old Jersey/Holstein Cows, was rescued from going to auction as a week old calf and brought to Castle Hill Farm where he lived out the rest of his very long life before passing peacefully on St. Patrick's Day.

Bob spent hot summer days swimming in the pond and cold winter nights, sleeping spoiled in his third-cutting hay inside the warm greenhouse.

Lots of memories have been shared in his presence, from sleeping in the farmhouse kitchen in front of the stove as a calf, to entertaining many children as his rough tongue grazed their hands while he tried to eat the hay so generously placed to his nose from the hay wagon.
Never to be forgotten, Bob was buried beneath a willow tree near where friends wait their turn in line for the hay ride. In the spring, a flowering butterfly bush will be planted as a reminder to all of the love he shared with us and the happy memories we all have of him. RIP Bob, we love you big guy!